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Showing results 3 to 22 of 88 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-11-16Ecology, Nature and Parapsychology: Abstracts of Presented PapersEvrard, Renaud; Hunter, Jack; Luke, David; Glazier, Jake; Nahm, Michael
2018Editorial: Four Score (Plus) Years AgoCardeƱa, Etzel
2018Eight Decades of Psi Research: Highlights in the Journal of ParapsychologyAlvarado, Carlos S.
1975European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 1Johnson, Martin; Shouten, Sybo A.
1994European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 10Watt, Caroline A.; Milton, Julie; Delanoy, Deborah L.; Morris, Robert L.
1995European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 11Watt, Caroline A.; Milton, Julie; Delanoy, Deborah L.; Morris, Robert L.
1996European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 12Watt, Caroline A.; Steinkamp, Fiona; Delanoy, Deborah L.; Morris, Robert L.; Sims, Helen
1997European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 13Watt, Caroline A.; Steinkamp, Fiona; Delanoy, Deborah L.; Morris, Robert L.; Sims, Helen
1998European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 14Delanoy, Deborah L.; Morris, Robert L.; Steinkamp, Fiona; Watt, Caroline A.
2000European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 15Parker, Adrian; Dalkvist, Jan; Persson, Anneli; Johansson, Nina
2001European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 16Parker, Adrian; Dalkvist, Jan; Persson, Anneli; Johansson, Nina
2002European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 17Parker, Adrian; Irwin, Harvey J.; Ahlinder, Kristina
2003European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 18Parker, Adrian
2004European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 19Stevens, Paul; Baker, Ian
1977European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 2Johnson, Martin; Schouten, Sybo A.
2005European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 20Stevens, Paul; Baker, Ian
2006European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 21Stevens, Paul; Baker, Ian
2007European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 22Stevens, Paul; Baker, Ian
2008European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 23Stevens, Paul; Baker, Ian; Staples, Paul
2009European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 24Baker, Ian; Staples, Paul; Stevens, Paul