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Showing results 21 to 40 of 88 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 23Stevens, Paul; Baker, Ian; Staples, Paul
2009European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 24Baker, Ian; Staples, Paul; Stevens, Paul
2010European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 25Baker, Ian; Staples, Paul; Stevens, Paul
1979European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 3Johnson, Martin; Schouten, Sybo A.
1981European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 4Johnson, Martin; Schouten, Sybo A.
1983European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 5Johnson, Martin; Schouten, Sybo A.
1985European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 6Johnson, Martin; Schouten, Sybo A.
1987European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 7Johnson, Martin; Schouten, Sybo A.
1990European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 8Delanoy, Deborah L.; Milton, Julie; Morris, Robert L.; Schouten, Sybo A.; Watt, Caroline A.
1992European Journal of Parapsychology Vol. 9Watt, Caroline A.; Wiseman, Richard; Taylor, Robin; Morris, Robert L.; Delanoy, Deborah L.; Milton, Julie
1991GESP: A Cognitive Level of DescriptionAmorim, Michel-Ange
2008-08-13An Investigation Into the Cortical Electrophysiology of Remote Staring DetectionBaker, Ian S.; Stevens, Paul
2018A Joint Communiqué: The Psi Ganzfeld ControversyHyman, Ray; Honorton, Charles
2018Journal of Parapsychology Volume 82 Supplement-
2018Mind Matters: A New Scientific EraNelson, Roger D.
2009Mindfield: The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Association Volume 1-
2018Mindfield: The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Association Volume 10-
2019Mindfield: The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Association Volume 11-
2010Mindfield: The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Association Volume 2-
2011Mindfield: The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Association Volume 3-